Name(s): Pebbles, Baby, Teeny, BatBat

Pronouns: He/him

Age: Unknown, behavior can point to the range of one to three human years. It is very unclear.

Experiment number: Unknown.

Pebbles is an undocumented alien experiment as designed by Jumba Jookiba. While his original intentions for this so-called "evil" experiment are unknown, it is suspected that Pebbles was meant to annoy victims to the brink of madness with crying, wailing tantrums. This, however, did not go according to plan, as with the other 626+ experiments, they were scattered to many differing areas. When his pod was first activated by water, there emerged a small, bat-like creature with floppy wings and radar dish ears. A mere toddler in a lonely world. He cannot fly, and can scarcely care for himself at all. He is vulnerable. While, yes, he can be irritating, he is innocent.

Pebbles is called by several different names by civilians, but the name Pebbles is the one he most often goes by because he likes the way it sounds. He is attracted by bright colors, toys, and candy. If it is a toy that makes noise, such as a rattle, he is even more likely to follow. Throughout his time on the planet, he has been taken in by several families, but they never do seem to work out. They either cannot handle the responsibility of his care, or favoritism becomes too much of a conflict for Pebbles to remain. He is simply a child created for a purpose he does not understand, and merely wants to be loved.


★ His ears are extremely sensitive and can pick up a lot of noise. This can often result in him being overstimulated.

★ He gets caught eating a lot of things he shouldn't, especially rocks. That's why he's called Pebbles.

★ He can eat nearly anything, but he does prefer most foods that would be associated with infants or toddlers (ie. formula, fruit snacks, crackers, cookies, etc.)

★ He must be supervised when eating larger foods, because he may choke.

★ Binkies/pacifiers and teething toys are often necessary for him, elsewise he will chew up everything.

★ He can speak, but it is usually in short, simple sentences.